Videoconversion for the Nokia 5800XM

…the simple way!
Again, this script is very basic, but works well (for me).

  1. Download the script
  2. Make it executable with “chmod +x convert_5800″
  3. as root, copy it to /usr/bin
  4. run it with the files you want tu convert as parameters: “convert_5800 file1 [file2 file3 file4 …]”
  5. Your new file will be saved in the same directory the input file is stored.
  6. Optional: Add a macro. In Thunar “Edit/Custom actions”; add the command “convert_5800 %F” (mind the capital F to enable multi-file conversion). This should be similar with Nautilus

You need mencoder (provided with mplayer) for the conversion. If libnotify is installed, a neat notification will pop up when the conversion of each file and the whole job is done.